I was brought to awaken by that one familiar ring that singled the Archangel Michael (Sir Michael in these conversations) wished to converse with me (Michaelsir in these conversations). This scenario is quite familiar over many years but the story behind this story will have to wait for the time being.
Oh, for the uninitiated, I am clairaudient meaning I hear “clearly” as many others before me have had and are having conversations with those from the other side. Such as Neal Donald Walsh, Conversations with God, another, Kyron by Lee Carroll and more recently Mike Dooley with Tracy Farquhar and their “Channelled Messages from Deep Space” a group of seven called “Frank”.

Good morning, Sir Michael.
And good morning to you Michaelsir and yes, we love you!
Well, Well I hardly know what to say at this ungodly hour, chuckle. So, you may have the floor, so to speak,
Yes, and it is about time We had this tete a tete eh.
Yepper – me think so – waiting with bated breath.
Yes, Yes, now that the preliminaries are over – what is keeping you from making that (Our) next big step?
Waiting, I am told is a good thing at this moment, for the right moment – soon, this Summer, this Summer I presume.
And why not now?
Well for me it made sense or does it (now) to await the outcome of this present chaotic affair with this damned “virus”.
Hmmm, well it is not getting any better, is it?
Well then it would appear to US that the time is now – otherwise this (virus) will get the upper hand – or should We say these charlatans that have only one agenda keep you enslaved to their psychopathic agenda. Make no mistake Michaelsir is that your planet and it's, all species are at the brink of extinction and these charlatans are among that extinction process too.
It is time to awaken those Souls that know the truth – to galvanize them to overthrow – yes overthrow these charlatans once and for all.
Them’s fighting words, Sir Michael, so to speak.
Yes, and it is a about time Michaelsir – You – yes you have been sitting idly too long – for the “right moment” - We/I say to you this may well be the right moment.
Whew – I kind of thought that – We – you and I would arrive/come to this moment where – no- not for me to be between a rock and a hard place – but now it is up to me – to make the next move without further adieu, no more procrastination eh?
I/We think you are getting the message – We had hoped YOU would not need this push, but time is wasting, and it is time to awaken the masses – yes, 1984 – as you are aware it is now happening faster then “they” realize, (but not yet eh).
You will take the brunt of – hmmm – outright being ostracised by these psychopaths, yes Michael your family and friends.
But so be it, this is the most crucial time in your peoples evolving out of self brute force – the consequences could be/would be the most tragic - hmmm – times in the history of your/our Planet.
We could ramble on and on, but We/I hope you get the picture – a very dismal one indeed – UNLESS.
Yes, UNLESS you tarry no longer – we love that saying – or get on with it “NOW”! Exclamation mark.
You are thinking “no place to hide” so to speak and that will be so – BUT all the great prophets must always take that leap of faith and tell it like it is – chuckle – you use that phrase much often and that is what must be done NOW.
Our most trusted Son – you do have it within you to take this next step for all mankind and might we add My/Our Mother Earth.
You are at a loss for words, yes, so be it, there is nothing much you could say, so action speaks louder than words, So!
Yes, Sir Michael – I am at a loss for words – this most momentous time in my (this journey) life, eh. Thank you, Sir Michael, – for the nudge so to speak.
Tally Ho! Our most trusted servant.