The "message" from Pearl, mentioned on the previous page, was delivered to my door sometime in 2010, shortly after I had launched my website "ArchangelMichaelConversations.com" in McGregor, South Africa. I was very pleased with the response to this website. Then came the decision to move back to Canada. The website got lost in the shuffle back to Canada with my new bride, Annette Margaret, whom I met on the Internet. I traveled to South Africa to meet her, and we were married in McGregor by Bitty Kennedy at Temenos.
The message was delivered by a young woman with whom we had only minimal contact at a meditation group. There is no way she could have known my mother's name was Pearl. Pearl was a card-carrying Jehovah's Witness.

For the record, this was my second website to share my conversations with Archangel Michael. The first was One-God-OnePeoplePlease.com, although I must admit I was not very up-to-date with technology at that time, and consequently, we lost touch with our presumed audience.
Then came "reluctantprophet.com" in 2020, just as the virus took hold, and we got lost in that pressure-packed year. This website was the result of my Ph.D. thesis to warn the public of the real evil in our midst, but alas, it was too little, too late. We (Archangel Michael and I) did not anticipate the extent to which these psychopaths would go to implement their grandiose scheme of creating a one-world government.
This is as good a time as any to acknowledge that here I am, at most four years later, to "tell it like it is" (from Archangel Michael). Although our move back to South Africa interrupted this task of mine, I have been under a great deal of medical stress and only now have the energy and health to complete my task.
Thank you for your understanding.
May the Source be with us all,