Hello, my name is Dr. Mike Shymkowich Kennedy, Dr.Ms. (nee Michael Shymkowich) and I am (or the?) a prophet for this age and I add very quickly small "p" of course but reluctant no longer. For until now, it seems that I really hesitated to take on this role of a prophet in view of the gargantuan task allotted to me by my mentor the Archangel Michael sometime ago. I had asked this Archangel several times "why me"? and the answer always came back, "why not you"?
A "prophet" is that someone that advocates a new idea, a new paradigm for a just society that will work for everyone all under the canopy of unconditional love, regardless of all that separates us now. May I remind you that all prophets of the past have had only one message, a message of love and oneness with each other and that we care for our beloved Mother Earth. Unfortunately, man for the most part, has created monoliths of governing systems and religious empires that has betrayed the intent of the prophets of the past.
So here I am, finally taking up the sword of truth "to tell it like it is" that there is a real evil in our midst of mankind - there are psychopaths in our midst at the helm of all governing systems, the United Nations and I hasten to add, the tragedy of religion where they too have contributed to the "downfall" of mankind.
It has been estimated that 4% of mankind are psychopaths and they can be identified if we were taking a scan of their brains, there is a distinctive different shape to their brains that are only seen in psychopaths; of course, they show no remorse for their actions that may have contributed to thousands if not millions of deaths.
I launched our website in May, 2020 - reluctantprophet.ca - and my Ph.D. dissertation that exposes this real evil in our midst and my master’s Thesis - "Religion - Opium of the Masses" are the cornerstones of that website and blog. But unfortunately, it failed to get the attention of the masses because of the mass hysteria surrounding that “virus”. Both dissertations were the culmination of three years of work to uncover the real evil in our midst, to understand why we had reached this epic stage of our evolution out of self brute self force in such a frightening manner where the lives of millions and the future of our beloved planet is at risk.
On the other hand, this three-year odyssey, and longer it seems at times given my advanced age, has prepared me for the challenges that may lie ahead in gathering one another under the canopy of unconditional love.
The agenda of the World Economic Forum, Committee of 300, the cabal, the Illuminati, et.al., is to create a One World Government where we will become mere slaves, serfs, to this One World Government (of psychopaths). And I passionately believe this COVID 19 is the beginning of the final phase of bringing all of humanity under the thumb of that One World Government which most certainly does not have your best interest as part of their agenda. The truth is that this novel virus provides the pretext for powerful financial interests, that is Big Pharma, Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab and their henchmen to plunge the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment and extreme poverty. Our governing bodies and Prime Ministers/ Presidents worldwide have become the pawns to carry out this devious agenda at the behest of Klaus Swab, founder of the WEF.
George Orwell's book 1984 exactly depicted what this One World Government would be - you will undergo the most heinous period of your lives ("until they kill you" from 1984) at the hands of the Elite and they are all psychopaths. I believe we are in the very midst of those “heinous” times if we, each one of us, were to acknowledge that our governing systems, and religion, have taken us to this precipice.
May I remind you that all living species on our Beloved Planet Earth live in perfect synchronicity, except mankind! This planet Earth suffers the indignity of our raping and pillaging of its beauty, and She will recover, but will we? We are out of sync with that of a Universal energy that sustains all living species.
You are a sovereign being - it is time to act like one and I shall, if you wish, guide you through the next steps in becoming a Sovereign Being and a manifesto that works for everyone.
I remain your Humble Servant,
Dr. Mike Shymkowich Kennedy