Hello friends. I wish you all the best for 2022.

I’d like to bring you up to date on my ongoing communication with the Archangel Michael by reporting on a recent discussion held on January 3, 2022, at 6:35 a.m. Pacific time.
Once again, my attention was brought about by a single telephone ring.
And then:
“Good morning, Sir Michael.”
I was startled to awareness, listening.
“Yes, Michael Sir, yes, we love you. You got that, eh?”
I was not sure it was the Archangel Michael when I heard the one ring, and in my half-sleep awareness, I heard, "We love you", and knew immediately that it was the time for our conversation.
“Well, Michael Sir, same old, same old,” it continued with a chuckle. “What’s got your tongue, so to speak?”
I replied: “You know perfectly well that I’m working on it! Each day and night, in my mind and on paper.”
“Yes, but no results!” the Archangel retorted.
“Of course, I know and that’s what so infuriating for me. Nobody is listening!” I said.
“Yes, obviously, yes obviously,” he replied. He went on: “well then, another approach is needed.”
“This one that we, I, the Archangel Michael, has said ‘enough is enough.’ Your governing bodies are corrupt to the core and have only their agenda of total control of my people and this has to cease as of this moment.”
I considered this statement and then inquired, “Fighting words, yes, but how do we get the word out?”
His answer was fast and to the point:
“Buy the time, yes buy the time if need be on a series of television channels, push out all stops Michael Sir, all stops, no matter the cost.”
“No!” I exclaimed. “As I've said before some financial help from the other side would be most welcome! “
“Yes, yes. But as you know We do not meddle in worldly affairs and that's a lesson you people have to understand. It is entirely up to the individual, choices, choices and understanding. But, yes but, again it's time Michael Sir the year 2022 is the year of the people taking back the power of the individual, not your corrupt politicians.”
He continued:
“Yes, yes Michael Sir a mass awakening of those in slumber of the events on my planet earth. This is my message to those asleep, you have been duped, you must awaken to the horrors that are being carried out before your very eyes and you, for the most part, do nothing.”
And more:
“Yes, 1984 is here and now, but we have used that much this morning, but it's time to reverse all that is gone before. And, not but, chuckle, at the hand of your prophet so to speak, Michael Sir. An intrepid soldier of what is most right in a human being.”
I listened closely and then interjected, “wow, hold it, you're getting carried away somewhat Sir Michael.”
It answered:
“No, not really Michael Sir, you are their only hope of salvation so to speak from the forces of pure evil on your planet. 2022 must be the year that we rescue those, your people from a total disaster of the human race. Yes, enough Michael Sir, we are done, chuckle, for now, Our most trusted servant of the people for the people. Now is the time of redemption, so to speak. Michael Sir you are tired and fully understood, enough, tally ho! again Michael Sir.”
And with that, the conversation was closed for that morning.
Stay strong, my friends.
May the force be with us!