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Who is the Reluctant Prophet?

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Mike Shymkowich Kennedy Has Been Tasked with a Crucial Mission.

Human beings are currently suffering from an oppression by a supernational hierarchy of elite predators, whose organized and carefully planned goals are actively stealing national governments from their citizens and obliterating individual liberties. It is the mission of Dr. Mike Shymkowich Kennedy (The Reluctant Prophet) to lead the charge in overcoming these tyrants.


Dr. Kennedy has taken on the status of “The Reluctant Prophet” as a result of his ongoing conversations with his mentor, the Archangel Michael. Initially, he had reservations accepting his assigned role as a prophet, in carrying out his Soul contract to “tell it like it is” (a direct quote from one of many conversations with this Archangel).


Moreover, Dr. Kennedy is to alert the masses as to the current state of the world and as we reach the most critical stage of this crisis, he recognized that we must unite to rise and fight against the real evil in our midst—those that seek to throw society into total chaos and enact immeasurable suffering against all of us.


Dr. Kennedy is much more than one would surmise at first glance; he is a gifted clairaudient who possesses a unique perspective of unfolding events on this planet given his regular communication with the Archangel Michael.


This Archangel has acted as a mentor to Dr. Kennedy for decades, preparing him to be an Avatar for this age—a Star Seed. Ultimately, Mike has been tasked to awaken the masses to the impending doom that is now unfolding before all of us.

About The Reluctant Prophet

Dr. Mike Shymkowich Kennedy, Lt(N) Ret’d, B.Sc, M.Sc., D.Ms is a 95-year old academic, blogger, and communicator who has identified numerous threats to today’s society. He stresses the importance of uniting and working together to preserve our future.


Interviews with Mike are available.



Phone: 0790165976 (South Africa)

“Michaelsir, our trust in you has never wavered, but we too can only alert you to the most critical task to which you have ever been entrusted. Be reluctant no longer Michaelsir, our trusted Son.
Now, tally ho!”


This website is dedicated with boundless unconditional love to
Annette Margaret Kennedy, without whom I could never have survived this journey with the Archangel Michael, given the malevolent energies that became a part of my journey that was meant to do me "harm", and that they did time and time again when Michael III brought them with him, unknowingly at that time, when he "walked" into my life at age 11 and in a coma.

My Father, Wonofre Szamkovech and My Mother Paraska (Pearl) Barazenske, but over time our last name became more Canadian to Shymkowich. They were married in Wetaskiwin Alberta 11 day of March 1907. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge that our home, built in the 1920s by Wonofre has now been declared a Heritage Site in New Westminster, B.C.

Gail Foster aka Cahrei and Michael Rowland, who have a unique connection to Source and have been able to "clear" me of these constant "attacks" in whatever form they have shown up in my "body" and yes "cleared" remotely too.

Of course, there is Emily Matweow my dear friend who has taken on the task of making sure I am clear of those “thingies” (as she calls them) that tend to want to do me harm.
Obviously in an attempt to prevent me from carrying out my mission on behalf of the Archangel Michael. But they have obviously failed big time.

The Archangel Michael, who relentlessly - ceaseless and intense - always urged me on to carry out this "Soul Contract" on behalf of my fellow brothers and this beloved Planet Earth. Michael III was a part of this journey from the age 11 and I believe he (died at age 32), saw in me someone who could finish his work of spreading the message of love. And so, I will Michael III!

Posthumously for Andrew Lobaczewski's Political Ponerology that finally
uncovered the real truth of evil in our midst.

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